Development of a Marine Integrated Navigation System

Abstract : Startling advances in electronics and computer technologies over the last two decades have significantly altered the scope of military operations, weapon systems and some of the required supporting services. The increased range, speed and accuracy of modern weapon systems impose stringent accuracy and reliability requirements upon the navigation system of military platforms. Over the last few years, DREO has been involved in the development of a microprocessor-based Marine Integrated Navigation System (MINS). The present version of the MINS can work with a variety of types and brands of navigation sensors such as Omega, Transit, GPS, Loran C, speedlog and gyrocompass as well as operator-entered position or sextant measurements. It has been successfully tested on both Canadian and US navy vessels and it is due to be installed on almost all of Her Majesty's Canadian ships in 1988. This lecture will describe the application of Kalman filter design to optimally and synergistically combine the diverse types of navigation sensor information. Technical problems, design objectives and some design features unique to this application are highlighted. Results of sea trial evaluations are compared to simulation results. Integrated system design guidelines and road maps derived from the Canadian experience are also presented.