Carbon-bearing cordierite from Allumiere (Tolfa volcanic center, Latium, Italy) : occurrence, crystal-structure and FTIR microspectroscopy

This paper reports the crystal- chemical study of cordierite from a volcanic ejectum from the Tolfa volcanic center (Latium, Italy). The studied rock was sampled within the pyroclastic deposit ("tufo caotico") outcropping in a quarry at Colle dello Spizzicatore, Allumiere Community. The sample was studied by electron microprobe analysis (EMP), single-crystal structure refinement and Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIR). Combination of these techniques allowed detailed characterisation of the amount, location and coordination of cations and volatile molecules in the channels. Cordierite from Allumiere is orthorhombic, space group Cccm; refined cell-parameters are (in A): a = 17.1580(6), b = 9.7573(3) and c = 9.3228(3). EMP analyses show an intermediate X Mg (Mg/(Mg+Fe) =


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