Haemodynamic effects of guanfacine.

1. The haemodynamic mechanism of action of guanfacine 4 mg intravenously was investigated in resting conditions and during exercise for up to 20 h after administration of the drug. Cardiac output and pulmonary arterial pressure were determined by the Swan-Ganz thermodilution method. Blood pressure was measured directly. 2. During and immediately after intravenous administration of guanfacine, blood pressure peripheral resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure increased (in keeping with an alpha-sympathomimetic effect of the compound), whereas heart rate and cardiac output decreased. 3. Subsequently blood pressure fell as a result of a decrease in cardiac output. From the third hour peripheral resistance decreased, whereas cardiac output increased again, sometimes exceeding the control value. 4. During exercise blood pressure was reduced from the third hour after administration, as in resting conditions, as a result of the reduction in peripheral resistance. 5. In resting conditions guanfacine reduced heart rate at the beginning and during the whole course after administration of the drug. 6. Side-effects noted included fatigue, drowsiness and bradycardia.