Until recently the Book of Soyga was known only by repute, through mention in the diaries of John Dee (1527{1608). Dee's association with the Book of Soyga is conveniently summarized by Christopher Whitby: On 18 April 1583 Dee was unable to nd his Book of Soyga: it has been mislaid. On 29 April 1583 Dee remembered a detail about the missing book: `...E[dward] K[elley] and I wer talking of my boke Soyga, or Aldaraia and I at length sayd that, (as far as I did remember) Zadzaczadlin, was Adam by the Alphabet therof...' On 19 November 1595 Dee recovered his Book of Soyga. Many years later Elias Ashmole (1617{ 1692) reported that `the Duke of Lauderdale hath a folio MS. which was Dr. Dee's with the words on the rst page: Aldaraia sive Soyga vocor'. In addition to these unremarkable appearances of the Book of Soyga in Dee's nachla |unremarkable, for who does not sometimes mislay and later recover a valued book? | there is the singular exchange held between Dee and the angel Uriel on the occasion of their rst conversation, at Mortlake on Saturday, 10 March 1581/1582, the very rst scrying session mediated by Dee's most famous scryer, Edward Kelley (1555{1595?), also known as Kelly and Talbot. In the following, is Dee, VR is Uriel: