자기장을 이용한 이동체의 속도 측정 방법

In this paper, we propose a new method to measure the velocity of a vehicle. In general, to measure the velocity of a vehicle, a global positioning system (GPS) is used outdoors and encoders with an INS are used indoors. However these sensors have various problems due to their characteristics. Within a tunnel, GPS cannot measure velocity. In addition, encoders, in essence, have errors due to slip. To solve such problems, we propose a velocity-measuring method using two magnetic sensors for reading the magnetic field. We can find the velocity by estimating the delay time between two axially separated sensors. To verify the performance, we compared the actual and measured speed with the proposed method. As a result, it was found that the proposed method has a good performance in the simulation and useful results in the real experiment. Additionally, in this method, a magnetic map is not required.