Molecular catenanes, rotaxanes and knots : A journey through the world of molecular topology

Chemical Topology - Statistical Musings. A Knot - Theoretical Approach to Molecular Chirality. Soft And Hard Molecule-Based Magnets with a Fully Interlocked Three-Dimensional Structure. Transition Metal-Incorporating Catenanes. Catenanes and Rotaxanes Motifs in Interpenetrating and Self-Penetrating Coordination Polymers. Molecular Knots: From Early Attempts to High-Yield Template Syntheses. Organic Template-Directed Syntheses of Catenanes, Rotaxanes and Knots. Amide-Based Catenanes, Rotaxanes and Pretzelanes. Polymer Chains in Constaining Environments. Polycatenanes, Poly[2]-Catenanes and Polymeric Catenanes. Polyrotaxanes: Syntheses and Properties. Synthetic DNA Topology.