A formulation for the vibro-acoustic behavior of a rectangular plate with constrained-layer damping

The authors develop a rapid but rigorous tool to help acoustics engineers understand and predict the vibro-acoustic behavior of a constrained-layer damping of a plate. A rectangular four layered simply supported baffled plate is considered. In addition, the plate is assumed to be semi-complex in the sense that it can support added masses, stiffeners and several types of excitation (i.e. point, line, surface forces and moment). The problem is formulated using a variational approach and solved by the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The modeling of the stiffeners is based on an equivalent orthotropic layer. Since the plate is assumed to radiate in air, added mass due to fluid loading is ignored. However, possible cross modal coupling due to stiffening or the type of the excitation is accounted for. This is done using a novel method for evaluating the radiation impedance matrix based on multipoles expansions of Green's kernel. The numerical evaluation of the radiated power is done easily from the radiation impedance matrix