Tools for Requirements Management: A Comparison of Telelogic DOORS and the HiVe

Abstract : It is now well-known that a robust and complete requirements management process is of great benefit in the procurement of complex, critical, software-intensive systems. DOORS is a well-established suite of software made by Telelogic, designed to maintain large sets of requirements. The HiVe is a project under development by the TCS Group at Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that aims to provide a new approach to the creation of technical documents required in system development. It can be used to formulate, manage, and analyse requirements, and then to develop the system design which satisfies them. While the main focus of each piece of software is different, there is enough overlap that users of DOORS would strongly benefit from use of the HiVe. This report highlights the strengths of both tools, compares their major features, and suggests a number of ways the HiVe and DOORS can interact with one another to benefit the user.