Z-plasty reductional labiaplasty.

FIGURE 1 The labia minora are bilateral mucosal-cutaneous refolds located between the labia majora and vulvar vestibule.While there is a wide range of normal anatomic variants, in general, the labia minora are semicircular with a 3-cm long base and a free edge extending from the clitoris to the posterior commissure. The medial mucosal surface is derived from the primitive urogenital sinus and is shiny and pink. The free edge and the lateral cutaneous surface are derived from the urethral folds and are more deeply pigmented. Enlargement of the labia minora can occur by several factors, including: congenital enlargement, mechanical irritation, multiple pregnancies, stretching with weights, and vulvar lymphedema. Women may desire labiaplasty for aesthetic dissatisfaction, discomfort in clothing, discomfort when walking or participating in exercise, and entry dyspareunia caused by invagination of the protuberant tissue. © 2007 International Society for Sexual Medicine