Semi-Analytical Model of a Helicon Plasma Thruster

This article is devoted to the presentation of a semianalytical model of a helicon plasma thruster based on: 1) a 0-D global source model (GSM) for the simulation of the plasma source; 2) a monodimensional acceleration model for the plasma expansion and thrust production in the magnetic nozzle; and 3) a detachment criterion for the identification of the location in the nozzle where the plasma separates from the magnetic field lines. The developed GSM permits the simulation of magnetic topologies provided for radial cusps in the source region. Three different acceleration models presented in the literature have been implemented and employed for component 2) of the full thruster model. Two detachment criteria have also been considered for component 3). A comparison between the characteristics and the results of the different models employed has been carried out. Finally, the results obtained by all the combinations of acceleration models and detachment criteria presented have been compared against the solutions of a numerical fluid code and experimental thrust measurements. A maximum relative deviation between the results of the acceleration models of 3% was found, while a thrust variation of up to 20%–30% was recorded by changing the detachment criteria. A maximum relative error between the model’s predictions and the experimental measurements of 25% was obtained.