Suburban area pedestrianism was examined from the points of view of the walking and nonwalking public. Nine case studies were conducted to determine the role of walking as an exclusive mode of travel. The sites examined comprised the 3 major types of pedestrian facilities: overpasses, tunnels, and at-grade crossings. Locations where new pedestrian facilities are anticipated also were examined. In each case, linkages between land uses were established to define reasons for local travel. The data then were analyzed to show how pedestrian facilities act to sustain the linkages. Various pedestrian characteristics were found to be related to walking activity. For example, age has a direct bearing on walking behavior, and children constitute the largest walking group. Acceptable walking distance of up to 0.25 mile (0.4 km) were given for adults. Distances of up to 1 mile (1.6 km), however, offer little impedance to children. Along with distance, fear of attack is a primary impedance to potential adult walkers, especially women. Overpasses were cited as the most desirable pedestrian accommodation to bypass traffic. The public showed little enthusiasm for tunnels because of the mischief they attract. People have also shown that, if the reason exists, they will cross heavy traffic to travel by foot. The results of this study given general principles for successful pedestrian planning in suburban areas, and they support the idea of combined pedestrian and bicycle ways.