Crowdsourced Action-Model Acquisition for Planning

AI planning techniques often require a given set of action models provided as input. Creating action models is, however, a difficult task that costs much manual effort. The problem of action-model acquisition has drawn a lot of interest from researchers in the past. Despite the success of the previous systems, they are all based on the assumption that there are enough training examples for learning high-quality action models. In many real-world applications, e.g., military operation, collecting a large amount of training examples is often both difficult and costly. Instead of collecting training examples, we assume there are abundant annotators, i.e., the crowd, available to provide information learning action models. Specifically, we first build a set of soft constraints based on the labels (true or false) given by the crowd or annotators. We then builds a set of soft constraints based on the input plan traces. After that we put all the constraints together and solve them using a weighted MAX-SAT solver, and convert the solution of the solver to action models. We finally exhibit that our approach is effective in the experiment.

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