The art of teaching reading
SECTION I. BUILDING A PLACE FOR READING. 1. Co-Authoring a Literate Community in the Classroom. 2. Words That Change the World: Developing a Classroom Library. SECTION II. ONGOING STRUCTURES IN THE READING CURRICULUM. 3. Reading Aloud. 4. The Independent Reading Workshop. 5. Minilessons. 6. Coaching and Conferring with Readers. 7. Teaching Readers Within a Leveled Classroom Library. 8. Bringing Reading Assessment into the Very Real World of Classroom Teaching. 9. Supporting Readers Who Struggle with Meaning, Print, or Fluency. 10. Guided Reading and Strategy Lessons. 11. Phonics and Word Study in the Primary Grades. 12. A Curriculum of Talk. SECTION III. UNITS OF STUDY IN A READING WORKSHOP. Introduction: Units of Study in a Reading Curriculum. 13. September in a K-1 Reading Workshop. 14. Bringing in the Print Work of Reading. 15. Talking and Thinking About Books: Comprehension for Young Readers. 16. Reading Centers in the K-1 Classroom. 17. September in a 2-8 Grade Reading Workshop: Reading with Stamina and Comprehension. 18. Talking and Writing to Develop Ideas. 19. Reading Projects. 20. Book Clubs. SECTION IV. TEACHING THE QUALITIES OF GOOD READING. 21. Nonfiction Reading: The Words of Our World. 22. The Elements of Story. 23. Giving Our Students Tools and Strategies to Interpret Texts. 24. Writing About Reading. 25. Personal Response. 26. We Are the Authors of Our Lives. Appendix A: Examples of Leveled Reading Books. Appendix B: Read-Aloud Book Recommendations. Appendix C: Magazines for Kids. Bibliography. Children's Bibliography. Credits. Index.