Performance Indicators for Water Supply Systems
Performance indicators are measures of the efficiency and effectiveness of the water utilities with regard to specific aspects of the utility’s activity and of the system’s behaviour. Efficiency is a measure of the extent to which the resources of a water utility are utilised optimally to produce the service, while effectiveness is a measure of the extend to which the targeted objectives (specifically and realistically defined) are achieved. Each performance indicator expresses the level of actual performance achieved in a certain area and during a given period of time, allowing for a clear cut comparison with targeted objectives and simplifying an otherwise complex analysis. They can be applied at different levels. Within the water utility, the use of performance indicators is growing in importance as the basis for assessing the efficiency (ratio between input consumed and output achieved) and effectiveness of the utility as a whole and of its management units. Such measures can be used to trace the trend in the performance of a given unit over a period of time as well as to make performance comparisons between similar units. Within the country, performance indicators are applicable at a regional or at a national level. Within the supra-national regions, performance indicators allow for comparing different countries of the same or of different regions of the world.