We present a supervised approach to Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) based on Specialized Hidden Markov Models. We used as training data the Semcor corpus and the test data set provided by Senseval 2 competition and as dictionary the Wordnet 1.6. We evaluated our system on the English all-word task of the Senseval-3 competition. 1 Description of the WSD System We consider WSD to be a tagging problem (Molina et al., 2002a). The tagging process can be formulated as a maximization problem using the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) formalism. Let O be the set of output tags considered, and I , the input vocabulary of the application. Given an input sentence, I = i1, . . . , iT , where ij ∈ I , the tagging process consists of finding the sequence of tags (O = o1, . . . , oT , where oj ∈ O) of maximum probability on the model, that is: Ô = arg max O P (O|I) = arg max O ( P (O) · P (I|O)
Ferran Plà,et al.
Shallow Parsing using Specialized HMMs
J. Mach. Learn. Res..
Ferran Plà,et al.
Improving part-of-speech tagging using lexicalized HMMs
Natural Language Engineering.
Claude de Loupy,et al.
Word sense disambiguation using HMM tagger
F. Segond,et al.
An Experiment in Semantic Tagging using Hidden Markov Model Tagging
Encarna Segarra,et al.
Una formulación unificada para resolver distintos problemas de ambigüedad en PLN
Proces. del Leng. Natural.