Traffic accident information is valuable for identifying problem areas or locations of interest. This project investigates alternate forms of dissemination for the accident information. Costs, capabilities, and compatibility are reviewed for integration of the accident database with a geographic information system (GIS) format to allow a graphical and spatial interface. The issues being addressed by this research focus on information circulation. Two specific issues have been identified as key elements in the research - 1. making accident information more readily available, and 2. incorporating a GIS graphical interface with the accident information to allow for query searches on various accident attributes. A review of available management systems revealed three commercially available systems in addition to the current CARS management system used by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). BETA's "MARS", JMW Engineering's "AIMS", and Exor's "Highways" are reviewed. Final recommendation is reserved for demonstrations of each system by the vendors, which will be coordinated for a TAC presentation. Preliminary results indicate the AIMS software is best suited to meet the needs of the state while also providing the most cost-effective method of service.