Spectrophotometric observations (1.7-12.6 μm) of SN 1987A from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory are presented for five epochs at 60, 260, 415, 615, and 775 days after the explosion. A variety of emission lines is seen, including members of the hydrogen Humphreys, Pfund, Brackett, and Paschen series, fine-structure lines of metals (including (Ni II] 6.634 μm, (Ni I] 7.507 μm, (Ar II] 6.985 μm, and [Co II] 10.521 μm), and CO and SiO molecular bands. The temporal evolution of the seven strongest H lines follows case C recombination theory and yields large values of τ(Hα) at 260 and 415 days. A mass of ∼ 2 × 10 −3 M ○. is derived for stable nickel, and the ratio of the [Ni I] 7.507 μm and [Ni II] 6.634 μm line intensities yields a high ionization fraction of 0.9 in the nickel zone