The Six Sigma Handbook
Part I: Six Sigma Implementation and Management 1.Building the Responsive Six Sigma Organization 2.Recognizing and Capitalizing onOpportunity 3. Data-Driven Management 4. Maximizing Resources Part II: Six Sigma Tools & Techniques 5.Project Management Using DMAIC and DMADV 6. The Define Phase 7. The Measure Phase 8. Process Behavior Charts 9. Measurement Systems Evaluation 10.Analyze Phase 11.The Improve/Design Phase 12. Control/Verify Phase Appendices Glossary of Basic Statistical Terms Area Under the Standard Normal Curve Critical Values of the t-Distribution Chi-Square Distribtion F Distribution Poisson Probability Sums Tolerance Interval Factors Control Chart Constants Control Chart Equations Table of d Values Factors for Short Run Control Charts Sample Customer Survey Process Levels and Equivalent PPM Quality Levels Black Belt Effectiveness Certification Green Belt Effectiveness Certification AHP Using Microsoft Excel