Influencing Mechanism of Apparent Space Dimensions on Interface Aesthetics and Apparent Usability

Apparent usability (AU) and interface aesthetics are the two important factors in HCI, which are affected by the apparent space dimension (ASD). This paper, by making two experiments, explored the influencing mechanism of ASD on them. The results show that: 1) AU is made up of subjective feelings, operation, and cognition; 2) interface aesthetics is made up of impression beauty, material beauty, and hominine beauty; 3) participants’ subjective feelings increase with the addition of ASD; 4) participants have the strongest operational ability in the apparent 2-dimensional space but the weaker in the other two; 5) participants’ cognition for the interactive system decrease with the addition of ASD; 6) interface’s impression beauty increases with the addition of ASD; 7) interface’s material beauty and hominine beauty are both the best in the apparent 2-dimensional space, but not good enough in the other two.