공동주택단지 옥외근린시설을 중심으로 환경설계를 통한 범죄예방(CPTED)에 관한 연구
The quality of residents' lives has been improved through the outdoor spaces, neighborhood facilities and public facilities which are located in the apartment housing complex. The importance of public spaces in the apartment housing complex has been increased; however, bad environmental design of public spaces has increased crime rates and caused residents' hesitancy to use public spaces. Therefore, environmental design focused on safety is required to reduce crimes and diminish residents' fear. The purpose of this study is to develop environmental design guidelines for crime prevention of outdoor neighborhood facilities in the apartment housing complex. The results are as follows: First, keywords were selected based on the theory and study related to crime prevention. Second, analysis of standard guidelines applicable to the public spaces were suggested. Third, guidelines were developed for crime prevention. The guidelines of environmental design enable people to feel safe in their neighborhood thus improving the quality of residents' lives.