The Analysis and Proposed Modifications to ISO/IEC 25030—Software Engineering—Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation—Quality Requirements
The quality of the
software product is a crucial factor that contributes to its success.
Therefore, it is important to specify the right software quality requirements
that will establish the basis for desired quality of the final system/software
product. There are several known methodologies/ processes that support the
specification of the system/software functional
requirements starting from the user needs to finally obtain the system
requirements that the developers can implement through their development
process. System/software quality requirements are interdependent with
functional requirements, which means that the system/software quality
requirements are meant to be specified in parallel with the latter. The ISO/IEC
25000 [1] SQuaRE series of standards include the standard ISO/IEC
25030—Software engineering—Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation—Quality
requirements [2], which has as main goal to help specify software quality
requirements. As to date, this standard does not offer clear and concise steps
that a software quality engineer could follow in order to specify them. This
article presents modifications recommended for ISO/IEC 25030 standard, with,
among the others, a new requirements definition process that allows for
specifying the system/software quality requirements taking into account the
existing published system and software quality model ISO/IEC 25010 [3] as well
as all the stake- holders of the project.