The International Organization for Standardization.

The provided compressed bitstreams were uncompressed using provided software and the resulting sequences were compared to the original ones in terms of PSNR. Additionally, the sequence Ballroom was compressed using the provided software. Resulting bitstreams were processed as the ones provided by Sejong/ETRI to verify the whole chain of coding and decoding. The results obtained at Poznań University of Technology are included in the accompanying Excel file. They are the same as the ones provided by Sejong/ETRI, except for sequences Race1 and Flamenco2 results. The results for them are slightly worse than the ones presented by Sejong/ETRI. The difference is less than 0.05 dB. It seems that last frames from some cameras give significantly worse PSNR (about 10dB less than the rest of frames). The cause of this difference is unknown.