This paper examines the influence of exit separation, exit availability and seating configuration on aircraft evacuation efficiency and evacuation time. The purpose of this analysis is to explore how these parameters influence the 60-foot exit separation requirement found in aircraft certification rules. The analysis makes use of the airEXODUS evacuation model and is based on a typical wide-body aircraft cabin section involving two pairs of Type-A exits located at either end of the section with a maximum permissible loading of 220 passengers located between the exits. The analysis reveals that there is a complex relationship between exit separation and evacuation efficiency. A main finding of this work is that for the cabin section examined, with a maximum passenger load of 220 and under certification conditions, exit separations up to 170ft will result in approximately constant total evacuation times and average personal evacuation times. This practical exit separation threshold is decreased to 114ft if another combination of exits is selected. While other factors must also be considered when determining maximum allowable exit separations, these results suggest it is not possible to mandate a maximum exit separation without taking into consideration exit type, exit availability and aircraft configuration.
Edwin R. Galea.
A General Approach to Validating Evacuation Models with an Application to EXODUS
Edwin R. Galea,et al.
A systematic comparison of model predictions produced by the buildingExodus evacuation model and the Tsukuba Pavilion evacuation data
Edwin R. Galea,et al.
AASK — aircraft accident statistics and knowledge: a database of human experience in evacuation, derived from aviation accident reports
The Aeronautical Journal (1968).
E R Galea,et al.
Computer modelling of human behaviour in aircraft fire accidents.
Edwin R. Galea,et al.
The numerical simulation of aircraft evacuation and its application to aircraft design and certification