Modeling for Detonation and Energy Release from Peroxides and Non-Ideal Improvised Explosives

This work focuses on the development of models for predicting explosive power and air blast from the detonation of organic peroxides (TATP and HMTD) and non-ideal explosives involving ammonium nitrate, urea nitrate, and chlorates. CHEETAH calculations assuming ideal behaviour are in agreement with literature data for peroxides. However, the detonation behaviour of non-ideal explosives is dependent on charge size and confinement. This behaviour is investigated using thermo-chemical calculations with Kinetic CHEETAH, and reactive flow models with AUTODYN. A simplified ignition and growth (I&G) model was calibrated using experimental charge diameter vs. VoD data. I&G models are used to predict the front curvature, reaction zone structure, and energy release from the non-ideal explosives. Detonation and air blast predictions for peroxides and unconfined and confined (paper, plastic, steel) non-ideal charges are presented.