FIES and Tull confirm and characterise three giant planets delivered by TESS

We report the confirmation and characterisation of TOI-1820 b, TOI-2025 b, and TOI-2158 b–three Jupiter-sized planets on short period orbits around G-type stars detected by TESS . Through our ground-based e ff orts using the FIES and Tull spectrographs we have confirmed these planets, and characterised their orbits and find periods of around 4 . 9 d, 8 . 9 d, and 8 . 6 d for TOI-1820 b, TOI-2025 b, and TOI-2158 b, respectively. The sizes of the planets range from 0.96 to 1.16 Jupiter radii, and their masses are in the range from 0.8 to 4.5 Jupiter masses. For two of the systems, namely TOI-2025 and TOI-2158, we see a long-term trend in the radial velocities, indicating the presence of an outer companion in each of the two systems. For TOI-2025 we furthermore find the star to be well-aligned with the orbit with a projected obliquity of 9 + 36 − 34 ◦ . As these planets are all found in relatively bright systems (V ∼ 10.9-11.6 mag) they are well-suited for further studies, which can help shed light into the formation and migration of hot and warm Jupiters.