Until about 1900 the word torpedo referred to a static naval mine. However, the modern mobile weapon came into being became a significant factor in naval warfare.The Brennan torpedo was deemed less suitable than the then dominant Whitehead torpedo for use aboard ships because it was wire guided, but it was accepted for coastal defense, launched from land. The trajectories of early torpedoes were haphazard, and these devices came to be controlled in bearing and depth by mechanical sensors. Initially these sensors took a wide variety of forms before the introduction of reliable gyroscopes. Gyros have dominated the field ever since, such is their utility. From a control engineering perspective it is interesting to consider the earlier contenders, which displayed great ingenuity. The Brennan torpedo was provided with a tangential flyball governor.
L. Pontryagin,et al.
Ordinary differential equations
R. Hibbeler.
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
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Classical mechanics
Mark Denny.
Watt steam governor stability
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