Mechanical cooler and cryostat for submillimeter SIS mixer receiver in space

This paper reports on a space-qualified cooling system for submillimeter SIS mixer receiver (SIS: superconductor- insulator-superconductor). Designed cooling capacity of the system is 20 mW at 4.5 K, 200 mW at 20 K, and 1000 mW at 100 K. The combination of two-stage Stirling cooler and Joule- Thomson one has demonstrated the capacity with a power consumption of less than 300 W, including losses of drive electronics. The cryostat has a thermal insulation structure of S2-GFRP straps to fasten its 100 K stage. 20 K stage of the cryostat is held with GFRP pipes on the 100 K stage, while 4 K stage is supported with CFRP pipes on the 20 K stage. The cooling system accommodates two SIS mixers at 4.5 K, two IF amplifiers at 20 K, and two more IF amplifiers at 100 K. The mass of the cooling system is 40 kg for the mechanical cooler itself, 26 kg for the cryostat, and 24 kg for the driver electronics. The system has been developed for a 640 GHz receiver for an atmospheric limb-emission sounder SMILES, which is to be aboard the International Space Station in 2005. The engineering model of the system has been built and tested successfully.