A Boolean Delay Equation Model of Colliding Cascades. Part II: Prediction of Critical Transitions

We consider here prediction of abrupt overall changes (“critical transitions”) in the behavior of hierarchical complex systems, using the model developed in the first part of this study. The model merges the physical concept of colliding cascades with the mathematical framework of Boolean delay equations. It describes critical transitions that are due to the interaction between direct cascades of loading and inverse cascades of failures in a hierarchical system. This interaction is controlled by distinct delays between switching of elements from one state to another: loaded vs. unloaded and intact vs. failed. We focus on the earthquake prediction problem; accordingly, the model's heuristic constraints are taken from the dynamics of seismicity. The model exhibits four major types of premonitory seismicity patterns (PSPs), which have been previously identified in seismic observations: (i) rise of earthquake clustering; (ii) rise of the earthquakes' intensity; (iii) rise of the earthquake correlation range; and (iv) certain changes in the size distribution of earthquakes (Gutenberg–Richter relation). The model exhibits new features of individual PSPs and their collective behavior, to be tested in turn on observations. There are indications that the premonitory phenomena considered are not seismicity-specific, but may be common to hierarchical systems of a more general nature.

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