Diagnosis of adult rhabdomyoma by fine needle aspiration cytology: a report of 2 cases.
Adult rhabdomyoma (ARh) is a rare, benign tumor originating in striated muscle cells. Ninety-three percent of the tumors occur in the head and neck region and sometimes mimic malignant tumors clinically. The preoperative correct diagnosis of this tumor is important as it can help in deciding on management.
We report two cases of ARh diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Case 1 was a 43-year-old male who presented with a recurrent tumor in the region of the floor of the mouth. Case 2 was a 37-year-old male who presented with soft tissue swellings in bilateral submandibular regions. On cytology in both cases, the smears showed numerous large tissue fragments of tumor cells, which were large, polygonal cells with abundant, vacuolated cytoplasm and bland, eccentrically placed nuclei. Characteristic cross-striation and intracytoplasmic inclusions were not conspicuous on cytosmears. However, a primary cytodiagnosis of ARh could be offered based on characteristic morphologic features.
ARh has characteristic cytomorphologic features, which are described in detail in the present report, and they can help in diagnosing this tumor on FNAC.