Control system of PLS 2-GeV linac

The graphic-based realtime control system is developed and used for the normal operation of the PLS 2-GeV linac. Control and monitoring signals from local devices, such as magnet power supplies and modulators, are connected to the VME CPUs located in the field via special signal conditioning units. Data collected by these field CPUs are summarized and stored in the supervising VME CPUs located in the control room. Operators can control such devices simply by pointing and clicking with a mouse on the control panels which are X-windows loaded on a SUN workstation environment. Status and data to be monitored are displayed in terms of digital values and graphical presentations on individual status windows which are categorized functionally. Those windows are generated with the commercially available development software named RTworks. Every data transaction is done through a specified ethernet. There are four separate ethernets for effective data transactions. Fast signals, such as RF signals and modulator beam voltages, are captured by digital oscilloscopes and displayed in the control panel through the GPIB port. This paper presents main features and the general performance of the computer control system for the PLS 2-GeV linac.