VRIF Guidelines on Live VR Services

Founded at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2017, the Virtual Reality Industry Forum (VRIF) ( www.vr-if.org ) is chartered with the mission to further the widespread availability of high-quality audiovisual virtual reality (VR) experiences. Its charter includes delivering guidelines and advocating industry consensus around common technical standards for end-to-end VR interoperability from content production through distribution to consumption. VRIF delivered the first release of its Guidelines 1 in early 2018 detailing an initial set of best practices and recommendations for realizing high-quality, interoperable 360° video experiences. Its latest Guidelines version 2.2 (2020) includes new features such as live VR services, high dynamic range (HDR) support, use of text and fonts, and watermarking for theatrical VR. Currently, VRIF is working on new features around volumetric content production and distribution, cloud VR and edge computing, enhanced 360° video support, and enabling social VR experiences.