Ge laser-generated plasma for ion implantation

Laser-generated plasma obtained by Ge ablation in vacuum was investigated with the aim to implant energetic Ge ions in light substrates (C, Si, SiO2). Different intensities of laser sources were employed for these experiments: Nd:Yag of Catania-LNS; Nd:Yag of Warsaw–IPPL; excimer laser of Lecce-INFN; iodine laser of Prague-PALS. Different experimental setups were used to generate multiple ion stream emissions, multiple ion energetic distributions, high implantation doses, thin film deposition and post-acceleration effects. ‘On line’ measurements of ion energy were obtained with ion collectors and ion energy analyzer in time-of-flight configuration. ‘Off line’ measurement of Ge implants were obtained with 2.25 MeV helium beam in Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. Results indicated that ion implants show typical deep profiles only for substrates placed along the normal to the target surface at which the ion energy is maximum.