Evaluation of GER airborne scanner data for environmental applications

In May/June 1989 the German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) Institute for Optoelectronics was involved in the first European Imaging Spectroscopy Airborne Campaign (EISAC). Test sites in various countries of the European Community were flown with the GER-Il Scanner. In the presented study the preprocessed and atmospherically corrected data was used for a spectral analysis of an old vegetation covered waste deposit. 2. THE GER-Il Scanner The GER-lI Scanner (Geophysical Environment Corp. ) is a 63 channel imaging spectrometer with three seperate line arrays of detectors which view the ground through the same aperture via a rotating mirror. It contains 31 channels in the visible I near infrared (VIS/NIR) wavelength region (470 nm - 840 nm sampling interval 12. 3 nm) 4 channels between 1440 nm to 1900 nm (sampling interval 120 nm) and another 28 channels in the short wave infrared (SWIR) wavelength region (2000 nm - 2450 nm sampling interval 16. 3 nm). The IFOV was selected to be 3. 3 mrad which leads to a pixel size of 10 m at 3000 m flying altitude. The high spectral and spatial resolution make this scanner a useful tool for environmental studies. 3. DATA PROCESSING As a first evaluation step the GER-Scanner data was preprocessed including a roll- lag- and slope-correction1. Comparison of ground vegetation spectra measured with the IRIS-Mark IV spectroradiometer (GER-Corp. ) during the time of the overflight yielded