A novel method for Aero engine blade removed-material measurement based on the robotic 3D scanning system

This paper presents a method for the removed-material measurement for aero engine blade based on the robotic 3D laser scanning system. The component of the robotic scanning system, its workflow and the removed-material measurement processes are introduced in detail. The measurement processes contain the steps as follows: 1) scan the semifinished blade by using the robotic 3D scanning system, and then acquire the scanning model of the semifinished blade (SM_SFB); 2) register the SM_SFB and the designed model of the finished blade (DM_FB) to position the two model's locate surfaces (LS) coincide; 3) get the removed-material (RM) for every point on DM_FB by calculating the distance between the point and the intersection of the SM_SFB and the DM_FB's normal through this point.