The ZOOM Fermilab physics class libraries
Several years ago, the two major collider experiments at Fermilab (D#31; and CDF) decided that new software development for Run II will be largely done in C++. The run is slated to start in 1.5 years, an aggressive time frame for a major change in development language and style. If despite the transition each experiment (and sometimes multiple groups within an experiment) were to develop each needed mod- ule, the C++ strategy would not be advantageous. Thus it was deemed useful to have a library development group speci#12;cally responsive to Run II needs. This Fer- milab Physics Class Library Task Force (ZOOM) would also expand the core of C++ expertise available for Fermilab physicists to draw upon. C++ di#11;ers from Fortran in that the for common use of routines and libraries is greater. But this potential is not realized automatically. Unless coordina- tion issues are considered from the start, utilities produced by one group generally do mot meet the needs of other groups|and each group ends up creating independant software. To help increase code sharing, the centralized ZOOM task force must: Actively pursue outside (commercial and free-ware) packages. If ZOOM can verify that package X meets some needs in a sensible manner, then people can gravitate to that and not expend valuable development time. Act as a core for joint develpment of packages needed by both experiments. Develop relevant packages of su#14;ciently high quality as to overcome the natu- ral reluctance of highly skilled physicists to rely on code developed by others. This means more extensive design thought and testing work than might be practical for some groups. Participate in cooperation with HEP groups outside the FNAL community, to acquire tools suitable for the Fermilab e#11;orts. Of particular concern are areas where standardization is important, and thus a single product is more valuable than two, even discounting any savings in e#11;ort. We must bring the ability to contribute some packages and the willingness to accept others from the HEP community. ZOOM is answerable to the Run II Steering Committee, representing CDF, D#31;, and the Computing Division. As implied above, the mission is to acquire, adapt, or (if necessary) develop modules that will be of use to both experiments. The products are organized into \packages" each of which contain|for a given platform|a library for linking with user code, and its sources (if not commercial) and build scripts. Multiple versions of the library may be present: for example, builds can be done with or without C++ exception handling enabled. The ZOOM software, including sources and documentation, can be found on links from the homepage In addition, directory trees containing source and binary libraries are kept on the D#31;, CDF, and central Computing Division systems, so Run II users and others can link to the built libraries. ZOOM documentation is mostly html-based.