JSCleaner: De-Cluttering Mobile Webpages Through JavaScript Cleanup

A significant fraction of the World Wide Web suffers from the excessive usage of JavaScript (JS). Based on an analysis of popular webpages, we observed that a considerable number of JS elements utilized by these pages are not essential for their visual and functional features. In this paper, we propose JSCleaner, a JavaScript de-cluttering engine that aims at simplifying webpages without compromising their content or functionality. JSCleaner relies on a rule-based classification algorithm that classifies JS into three main categories: non-critical, replaceable, and critical. JSCleaner removes non-critical JS from a webpage, translates replaceable JS elements with their HTML outcomes, and preserves critical JS. Our quantitative evaluation of 500 popular webpages shows that JSCleaner achieves around 30% reduction in page load times coupled with a 50% reduction in the number of requests and the page size. In addition, our qualitative user study of 103 evaluators shows that JSCleaner preserves 95% of the page content similarity, while maintaining nearly 88% of the page functionality (the remaining 12% did not have a major impact on the user browsing experience).

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