Deciphering the Theobroma cacao self-incompatibility system: from genomics to diagnostic markers for self-compatibility
G. Gyapay | X. Argout | J. Verdeil | Benoit Mermaz | C. Lanaud | R. Rivallan | T. Legavre | O. Fouet | M. Boccara | D. Clément | C. Sanier | O. Sounigo | N. Cryer | U. Lopes | Rey Gastón Loor Solórzano | Kelly Colonges | Karina Peres Gramacho | Ives Bruno Efombagn Mousseni | Marie Claire Eyango | Marcos Ramos da Silva | Herman Ebai Ebaiarrey | Géraldine Mastin | M. Eyango