The Impact of A-weighting Sound Pressure Level Measurements during the Evaluation of Noise Exposure

Over the past 50 years, the A-weighted sound pressure level (dBA) has become the predominant measurement used in noise analysis. This is in spite of the fact that many studies have shown that the use of the A-weighting curve underestimates the role low frequency noise plays in loudness, annoyance, and speech intelligibility. The intentional de-emphasizing of low frequency noise content by A-weighting in studies can also lead to a misjudgment of the exposure risk of some physical and psychological effects that have been associated with low frequency noise. As a result of this reliance on dBA measurements, there is a lack of importance placed on minimizing low frequency noise. A review of the history of weighting curves as well as research into the problems associated with dBA measurements will be presented. Also, research relating to the effects of low frequency noise, including increased fatigue, reduced memory efficiency and increased risk of high blood pressure and heart ailments, will be analyzed. The result will show a need to develop and utilize other measures of sound that more accurately represent the potential risk to humans.

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