A laser produced plasma (LPP) x-ray source utilizing ultra- fast laser was investigated in the context of its utility for dual energy subtraction angiography. Experiments were performed with a Table Top Terawatt (TTT) laser using BaF2 and rare-earth metal targets including La, Ce, Nd and Gd. The laser was operated in a single-pulse or in a dual pulse mode with surface power density in the 1018 - 1019 Wcm-2 range with pulse duration of 150 or 450 fs. Infrared and/or green beams were utilized. Hot electrons' temperature was in the 35 - 50 keV range. The obtained LPP x- ray spectra were comprised of a continuous bremsstrahlung component as well as discrete characteristic lines. The bremsstrahlung extended to high energies with no evident cutoff energy below 100 keV. Its shape was best described by exp(-E/kTe), where Te is the hot electron temperature. The overall efficiency was equal to approximately 9 X 10-4 for 450 fs pulse and approximately 6 X 10-4 for 150 fs pulses. The x-ray focal spot size was in the range 13 to 50 microns. We have found that the LPP x- ray source with BaF2 and rare-earth targets provide x-ray spectra that might be suitable for DESA.