3 Dimensional Property Rights in Denmark 3D Property Design and Registration is Working - Visualization not

SUMMARY In Denmark there is a widespread practice of forming properties as condominiums in complex buildings with several floors and where the formation of properties of buildings with their own cadastral parcel not is possible. Condominiums are a full property with a location, an individual owner, with possibilities for individual rights and restrictions and individual object for taxation and individual mortgage. Condominiums are registered as real estate in the land book and a building on a cadastral parcel can be divided into independent properties and also on top of each other and "intertwined" vertically. The registration procedure includes formation of an estate in the land register (1), maps of each property and its part the common property and those maps are drawn both as horizontal and vertical maps (2). The maps are registered in the document database. The registration process also includes a statute for the owners association (3) which regulates the management and the economy in the association. The documents for registration also include a list of the individual owner’s part (x/100) and describe how the operation of the association takes places and decisions are made. The documents are registered in document database and determine the detailed building objects that are common property and which is individual property. Condominium Act was adopted primarily aimed at housing. In practice, condominiums is used as a form of ownership by all building units approved in the Building and registered as buildings in the Building Act and the Act on Building registration. This article will examine an example of a new building for residential purposes (a), an old building which is divided to condominiums (b), a newly constructed building (Friis, Aalborg) which is used for hotel, shopping center and office space (c). Finally, a case with the conversion of factory building for business and entertainment industry and the formation of condominiums (d) being reviewed (Northern Power, Aalborg). Owner apartment system in Denmark is very well organized and is always used when properties are formed with horizontal ownership limits in the building. Visualization of condominiums as 3D property objects is difficult and requires a standard to determine the generality level of distribution between the individual property and common property.