Use of the Mass-Spring Lattice Model for Simulation of Ultrasonic Waves in Austenitic Welds

Feasibility is studied for an application of the mass-spring lattice model (MSLM), a numerical model previously developed for unidirectional composites, to the numerical simulation of ultrasonic inspection of austenitic welds modeled as transversely isotropic. Fundamental wave processes, such as propagation, reflection, refraction, and diffraction of ultrasonic waves in such an inspection are simulated using the MSLM. All numerical results show excellent agreement with the analytical results. Further, a simplified model of austenitic weld inspection has been successfully simulated using the MSLM. In conclusion, a great potential of the MSLM in numerically simulating ultrasonic inspections of austenitic welds has been manifested in this work, though significant further efforts will be required to develop a model with field practicality.