The Development Of The Garden Banks Block 388 Fpf Mooring System

This paper discusses work conducted during the design, procurement and installation of the Garden Banks 388 FPF mooring system. The design began with the execution of a trade-off study evaluating and comparing previously installed floating production moorings in the Gulf of Mexico, coupled with evaluation of new concepts and emphasis on cost effective solutions. The design effort involved dynamic analysis and wind tunnel and model tank testing, all in accordance with newly completed API document RP 2FP1. Inspection of various components from the Placid GC-29 FPS moorings installed in 1987 and recovered in 1990, determined that sections of chain, jacketed spiral strand wire rope, submersible buoys and connectors could be used with suitable refurbishment. The excellent condition of the rig's onboard winching system also resulted in the reuse of the windlasses, with specified upgrades. Because a sufficient amount of used wire was not available, a bare spiral strand wire rope construction was adopted, including zinc anodes in the new sections rather than jacketed strand.