European Robotics Symposium 2008
Adaptive Multiple Resources Consumption Control for an Autonomous Rover.- Adaptive Snake Robot Locomotion: A Benchmarking Facility for Experiments.- Architecture for Neuronal Cell Control of a Mobile Robot.- The Ares Robot: Case Study of an Affordable Service Robot.- Balancing the Information Gain Against the Movement Cost for Multi-robot Frontier Exploration.- Compiling POMDP Models for a Multimodal Service Robot from Background Knowledge.- Constraint Based Object State Modeling.- A COTS-Based Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SR-H3) for Security, Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance Operations: Design and Test.- Eyes-Neck Coordination Using Chaos.- Formation Graphs and Decentralized Formation Control of Multi Vehicles with Kinematics Constraints.- Global Urban Localization of an Outdoor Mobile Robot with Genetic Algorithms.- Grip Force Control Using Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Dexterous Handling.- HNG: A Robust Architecture for Mobile Robots Systems.- Information Relative Map Going Toward Constant Time SLAM.- Measuring Motion Expressiveness in Wheeled Mobile Robots.- Modeling, Simulation and Control of Pneumatic Jumping Robot.- Multilayer Perceptron Adaptive Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots: Experimental Validation.- Path Planning and Tracking Control for an Automatic Parking Assist System.- Performance Evaluation of Ultrasonic Arc Map Processing Techniques by Active Snake Contours.- Planning Robust Landmarks for Sensor Based Motion.- Postural Control on a Quadruped Robot Using Lateral Tilt: A Dynamical System Approach.- Propose of a Benchmark for Pole Climbing Robots.- Rat's Life: A Cognitive Robotics Benchmark.- Reactive Trajectory Deformation to Navigate Dynamic Environments.- Recovery in Autonomous Robot Swarms.- Robot Force/Position Tracking on a Surface of Unknown Orientation.- Scalable Operators for Feature Extraction on 3-D Data.- Semi-autonomous Learning of an RFID Sensor Model for Mobile Robot Self-localization.- A Simple Visual Navigation System with Convergence Property.- Stability of On-Line and On-Board Evolving of Adaptive Collective Behavior.- A Unified Framework for Whole-Body Humanoid Robot Control with Multiple Constraints and Contacts.- Visual Approaches for Handle Recognition.- Visual Top-Down Attention Framework for Robots in Dynamic Environments.- Visual Topological Mapping.- 3D Mapping and Localization Using Leveled Map Accelerated ICP.