Application of a two-dimensional parabolic computer program to prediction of turbulent reacting flows
The capabilities of a computer program are explored, and computed results are compared with data. The comparisons are restricted to two-dimensional flows. Subsonic and supersonic flows, ducted and nonducted, reacting and nonreacting, are considered. An evaluation of models used for turbulence and chemical reaction was included. Constants in the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy, turbulence model, which produces mixing in good agreement with data, are the same for all calculations. Experimental data are reported for coaxial injection at matched pressure (1 atm or 101.3 kPa) of a cold, Mach 2, hydrogen jet into a hot, Mach 2, vitiated airstream. Profiles of pitot pressure and gas composition obtained from water cooled probes are reported and compared with theoretical results.