User's manual for CAMCON: Compliance Assessment Methodology Controller

This manual describes the use of and computer programs used by CAMCON: Compliance Assessment Methodology CONtroller. CAMCON is a group of menu driven procedural files that assist an analyst in controlling the flow of data and linkage of computer programs for assessing compliance of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant with Subpart B, Environmental Standards for the Management and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel, High-Level, and Transuranic Radioactive Wastes, 40 CFR 191. Although many of the main computer programs used in CAMCON were developed elsewhere, several main computer programs and numerous support programs and input and output translators where developed specifically for CAMCON. Hence, besides describing the tools and procedures used to link computer programs, this manual also describes use of these newly developed computer programs. 44 refs., 32 figs., 5 tabs.