An Adaptive Web-based Learning Module for the Problem-based Application of Remote Sensing in Schools - Prototype within an Educational Design Research Study

The learning module “Drought in California” presented here is part of an adaptive web-based learning platform developed in the framework of the Space4Geography project, funded by the German Aerospace Centre (Space Administration). The project seeks to facilitate the application of satellite images in schools and to enable students to work with original remote-sensing data on geographic questions. The development process of the module was informed scientifically by Educational Design Research. The research approach involves practitioners and scientists in the development process and aims to (1) ensure the practice-oriented, motivating and learning-efficient character of the learning module, and (2) contribute to educational theory in the field of remote-sensing education. This paper presents the prototype of the adaptive learning module, the development of which was based on results from an analysis of national curricula and an online survey on requirements for a learning environment. This prototype will be evaluated and developed further in several test cycles before being implemented in school practice.