Laboratory Environments & Student Outcomes in Senior High School Biology

I NTERNATIONAL research efforts involving the conceptualization, assessment and investigation of perceptions of psychosocial aspects of the classroom environment have firmly established classroom environment as a thriving field of study (see reviews by Fraser 1994; Fraser & Walberg 1991). For example, recent classroom environment research has focused on constructivist classroom environments (Taylor, Fraser & White 1994), computer-assisted instruction classrooms (Teh & Fraser in press), and teacher-student interpersonal behavior in the classroom (Wubbels & Levy 1993). In the past 25 years, much attention has been given to the development and use of instruments to assess qualities of the science classroom learning environment from the perspective of the student (Fraser 1986, 1994; Fraser & Walberg 1991). The association between learning environment variables and student outcomes has provided a particular rationale and focus for the application of these learning environment instruments. In a meta-analysis that encompassed 823 classes in eight subject areas and represented the perceptions of 17,805 students in four nations, Haertel, Walberg & Haertel (1981) found enhanced student achievement in classes that students felt had greater cohesiveness, satisfaction, and goal direction, and less disorganization and friction. Other literature reviews since then have supported the existence of associations between classroom environment variables and student outcomes (Fraser 1994). This article describes an investigation of associations between students' perceptions of laboratory environment and their attitudinal, cognitive and practical performance outcomes. Although past studies have examined associations between student outcomes and their perceptions of the leaming environment in science classes (Fraser 1986, 1994), this study is unique in that it assesses student perceptions of the