The effective resolution element of Landsat Thematic Mapper

Abstract As part of the U.K.'s contribution to NASA's Landsat [mage Data Quality Analysis (LIDQA) programme the system performance of the Thematic Mapper (TM) scanner has been studied by the determination of the Effective Resolution Element (ERE), a measure of its spatial resolution. Two methods have been used, the first by a simulation of the TM's spatial responses in an analytical model and the second by measurements of water bodies on a selected Landsat-5 TM scene. Bands 1-4 of the Thematic Mappers of both Landsat-4 and Landsal-5 have an effective resolution element by the former method of 52 m. This compares with a value of 122 m for band 4, near-infrared, of the Multispectral Scanner (MSS) by the same method. An image-derived value, by the latter method, for band 4 of the Landsat-5 TM scene is approximately 75 m. This increase in the ERE over the sensor-only value is attributed to additional factors within the imagery such as the pixel sampling of the scene, ground segment processing and the contribu...