Incremental Integration ofHeterogeneous Systems Views

activities, theentire modelofthesystem underdevelopmentissplit upinto partial, tool-supported models, that Tomaster systems complexity, their industrial develop- arerestricted system views. Thesegenerally overlap and mentrequires specialized heterogeneous viewsandtech-depend oneachother: Theymaycontain related elements niques and-correspondingly -engineering tools. Theseoftheentire model, overlap bysharing commonelements views generally coveronly parts ofthesystem under de-orberelated through process activities. velopment, andcritical development defects often occur Therelated views havetobealso technically integrated. atthegapsbetween them. Tosuccessfully achieve anin-Otherwise, inconsistencies canarise, either caused by tegration that bridges these gaps, wemusttackle itbothredundant partial models, ifviewsimplicitly overlap or fromthemethodical aswell asfromthetooling sides. The byunrelated partial models, ifimplicit dependencies beformer requires answers toquestions like: Whatarethetween views arenotcaptured explicitly byatool. viewsprovided bythetools? How arethey related and Thus, tool integration hastodealwithinconsistencies extended toachieve consistency ortoformnewviews? - caused byamismatch between thelogical, overall model while thelatter requires answers to:How areviews ex- - existing onlyimplicitly -andthetechnical partial modtracted fromthetools? Howarethey composed andpro-els-existing explicitly inthetools -ofthesystem under vided totheuser? Ourapproach, suitable forincremental development. We consider tool integration notonlybeintegration, isdemonstrated inthetool integration frame-ingatechnical issue -interms ofexchange formats or workTOOLNET. adapters toallow information sharing -butmoreimportantly asamethodical issue -requiring tounderstand the commonalities anddependencies between thetools' mod