Simultaneous Lymphosarcomatosis and Carcinoma of the Breast in the Same Individual

INSTANCES of the occurrence of two entirely different types of neoplasm in the same patient at the same time have come within the experience of all radiologists. However, each such occurrence has peculiar aspects that make its study of value. The following case presents a number of interesting features and will, therefore, be reported in some detail. Case Report K. B., female, single, 62 years of age when first seen, Dec. 27, 1932. She came because of enlarged glands in the neck and axilla and a mass in the breast. Family History.—Her mother died of cancer of the liver, and one sister had cancer of the breast. Personal History.—Irrelevant as far as the present report is concerned. Present Illness.—About one month before entrance, the patient noticed a hardmass in the left axilla, and more recently a lump in the left breast. Several small glands were also felt along the left side of the neck. There had been a feeling of malaise and weakness gradually coming on during the past few weeks. She had lost 15 pou...